Asean Blogger Festival held in the city of Solo, Thursday -
Sunday, May 9 - 12, 2013. For four days, ASEAN Bloggers are invited to visit
the heritage places in the city of Solo. Such as the Surakarta Palace,
Mangkunegaran Palace, Loji Gandrung, Sukuh Temple and Early Man Site Sangiran.
On day 3, Saturday, May 11, 2013, the participants visited Sukuh
Temple in Karanganyar Regency. Trip from Solo City starts at 13:00 pm. Travel
about 1.5 hours, arriving at 14:30 pm in Sukuh Temple. Participants arrived at
the location to be escorted by Guide Sukuh, Mr. Joko Susilo.
Joko Susilo to explain the philosophy of Sukuh spirit.
According to his explanation, Sukuh built by Brawijaya V, the last king of
Majapahit Empire who withdrew into Lawu Mount. The temple was built by the
Hinduism teachings.
In the view of some people, is often regarded as Sukuh
erotic temple, because sexual displays notable figures. But according to the
philosophy explored in depth, Sukuh temple is a temple that has a religious
value. Due to the construction of the temple reliefs at Sukuh represents
servitude to God.
The temple consists of 3 areas to reach its peak. From the
bottom to the top area was built with the philosophy of human life in the world
to reach Nirvana (Paradise/Heaven). To reach Nirvana, humans through the stages
of his life his mother's womb, birth, purification of the soul (ruwat / lukat /
tazkiyatun nafs / ruqyah / meditation / baptism), to have a direct relationship
with God and gain heaven / nirvana.
Sukuh has a lot of relief. One is the doctrine of the human
need for purify themselves. Humans have good qualities and also bad. So that
people can live eternally in surge need to purify themselves of negative
An explanation of the philosophy was delivered by Mr. Joko
Susilo, traveler specific guide to the participants of ASEAN Blogger Festival
2013 in Solo.
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